Inscriptions by Location: Lepcis Magna
Read an introduction to this location
- 2 km East of Ras el-Mergheb
- Amphitheatre
- Arch of Trajan
- Severan Basilica
- Basilica Vetus
- Byzantine Gate
- Byzantine sea-wall
- Catholic cemetery of Homs
- Cemetery
- Central Barracks, Homs
- Chalcidicum
- 316. Dedication of a statue of Cupid
- 324. Building dedication of the Chalcidicum to Augustus
- 325. Dedication to Augustus
- 329. Dedication to Tiberius
- 336. Dedication to Drusus
- 409. Fragmentary dedication
- 551. Fragmentary building inscription
- 589. Fragmentary honours
- 758. Fragment
- 759. Fragment
- 768a. Weight
- Cistern
- City centre
- Colonnaded Street
- Countryside
- Curia
- Decumanus maximus
- 308. Title and dedication for an image of Augusta Salutaris
- 381. Dedication to Lucius Verus
- 531. Honours for G. Gauius Macer
- 542. Honours for L. Silius Amicus Haterianus
- 695. Funerary inscription for Elia Victoria Masquiitana
- 713. Testamentary honours for Iulia Capitolina
- 739. Fragmentary dedication
- 766. Acclamation
- 767. Acclamation
- 808. Panel fragments
- 330. Building dedication to Tiberius for road paving
- East gate
- East part of the ruins
- Fort Victor Emmanuel
- Fort of Sidi Barcu
- Forum Severianum
- 265. Greek dedication to Asclepius
- 283. Dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 284. Dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 298. Fragmentary dedication to Liber Pater
- 309. Dedication to Sarapis
- 366. Fragmentary dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 367. Dedication to > Ceionius Commodus
- 423. Dedication to Caracalla
- 426. Dedication to ?Caracalla
- 441. Fragmentary dedication to Geta
- 442. Fragmentary dedication to ?Geta
- 449. Dedication to Julia Mamaea
- 450. Fragmentary dedication to Julia Mamaea
- 454. Dedication to Gordian III
- 455. Dedication to Gordian III
- 456. Dedication to Gallienus and Salonina
- 457. Dedication to Gallienus
- 458. Fragmentary dedication to Gallienus
- 462. Dedication to Constantius I and Galerius
- 464. Dedication to Maxentius
- 465. Dedication to Maxentius
- 466. Dedication to Constantius I or Constantine I, as Caesar
- 469. Dedication to Constantine II and Constantius II
- 471. Dedication to Constantius II
- 472. Dedication to Valentinian I and Valens
- 473. Dedication to Valentinian I and Valens
- 474. Dedication to Gratian
- 475. Honours for Nicomachus Flavianus
- 477. Dedication to Theodosius I (or II)
- 478. Dedication to Arcadius
- 479. Dedication to Honorius
- 480. Honours for Ortygius
- 492. Fragmentary dedication
- 500. Fragments
- 514. Fragmentary dedication
- 515. Fragment
- 522. Honours for a proconsul
- 526. Honours for Decimius Hilarianus Hesperius
- 529. Honours for Flavius Macedonius Patricius
- 532. Honours for Q. Granius Caelestinus
- 539. Fragmentary dedication
- 558. Fragmentary honours
- 559. Honours for Aurelius Sempronius Serenus
- 561. Honours for L. Domitius Iustus Aemilianus
- 562. Honours for Flavius Archontius Nilus
- 564. Honours for T. Flavius Frontinus Heraclius
- 566. Honours for Flavius Petasius
- 567. Honours for T. Flavius Vibianus
- 570. Fragmentary honours for Flavius Victorinus
- 571. Fragmentary honours for Flavius Vivus Benedictus
- 574. Honours for Laenatius Romulus
- 575. Honours for Magnius Asper Flavianus
- 576. Honours for Publicius Valerianus
- 577. Honours for C. Valerius Vibianus
- 578. Honours for M. Vibius Anianus Geminus
- 582. Fragmentary honours
- 588. Honours for L. Aemilius Quintus
- 591. Fragmentary honours
- 602. Honours for L. Pompeius Cerealis Salvianus
- 610. Fragmentary honours
- 611. Fragmentary honours
- 640. Fragmentary honours
- 644. Honours for M. Iunius Caecilianus
- 652. Fragmentary honours
- 663. Fragment
- 666. Funerary inscription of M. Aquilius Aquilianus
- 687. Fragmentary honours
- 691. Fragmentary honours
- 694. Fragment
- 696. Fragment
- 699. Funerary inscription for Flaminia Agaue
- 710. Fragment
- 712. Funerary inscription for Iovinas
- 723. Fragment
- 728. Fragments
- 748. Fragmentary dedication
- 749. Funerary inscription for Theuduta.
- 799. Greek mason's marks
- 801. Greek mason's marks
- 805. Greek mason's marks
- 806. Mason's marks
- 812. Fragment
- 813. Fragment
- 815. Architrave fragments
- 817. Fragment
- 818. Fragment
- 826. Fragmentary Libyan text
- 974. Fragment
- 977. Fragmentary building inscription
- 978. Fragment
- 979. Fragment
- Forum Vetus
- 271. Dedication to Concordia
- 274. Fragments
- 275. Votive to the Gods of Lepcis
- 279. Dedication to Antinous Frugifer
- 281. Dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 289. Fragmentary dedication to Hercules and Liber Pater
- 290. Fragmentary dedication to Juno
- 291. Votive to Julia Domna as Juno
- 295. Votive dedication to Liber Pater
- 306. Fragmentary building inscription
- 326. Dedication to Augustus
- 327. Dedication to Livia
- 328. Dedication to Gaius Caesar
- 333. Dedication to Tiberius
- 334. Dedication to Germanicus
- 335. Dedication to Drusus
- 337. Dedication to Claudius
- 338. Building dedication of the Forum to Claudius
- 339. Fragmentary dedication to Claudius
- 340. Dedication to Messallina
- 344. Fragmentary dedication to Titus (?)
- 345. Fragmentary dedication to Vespasian and Titus (?)
- 348. Fragmentary dedication to Domitian
- 354. Fragmentary dedication to Trajan
- 355. Fragmentary dedication to Trajan
- 356. Fragmentary building inscription under Trajan
- 362. Dedication to Hadrian
- 365. Fragment of dedication
- 368. Dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 369. Dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 370. Building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 371. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 386. Fragmentary dedication to Marcus Aurelius or Septimius Severus
- 388. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 397. Dedication to Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta
- 401. Posthumous dedication to Septimius Severus
- 402. Dedication to Julia Domna
- 408. Dedication to Julia Domna
- 410. Posthumous dedication to Paccia Marciana
- 412. Dedication to Lucius Septimius Severus
- 418. Dedication to Caracalla
- 419. Dedication to Caracalla
- 425. Fragmentary dedication to Caracalla
- 430. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus and family
- 431. Fragmentary dedication?
- 433. Dedication to Geta
- 435. Dedication to Geta
- 437. Dedication to Geta
- 438. Dedication to Geta
- 439. Dedication to Geta
- 440. Dedication to Geta
- 443. Dedication to Geta
- 444. Dedication to Geta
- 446. Fragmentary dedication to ?Severan emperor
- 452. Dedication to Maximin
- 484. Fragmentary dedication
- 485. Fragments from building inscription
- 487. Fragment
- 488. Fragment
- 494. Fragments
- 499. Fragmentary dedication
- 502. Fragment
- 506. Dedication by the Lepcitani
- 507. Fragmentary dedication
- 520. Building inscription of Cn. Calpurnius Piso
- 525. Fragment of testamentary honours
- 527. Fragmentary honours
- 528. Honours for a proconsul
- 540. Fragmentary building inscription
- 546. Fragment
- 548. Fragment
- 553. Fragment
- 560. Fragmentary honours
- 563. Honours for Flavius Archontius Nilus
- 569. Fragmentary honours for Flavius Victor Calpurnius
- 585. Fragmentary votive text
- 586. Fragmentary funerary inscription
- 596. Donation by M. Fuluius Saturninus
- 598. Honours for Ti. Iulius Frontinus
- 605. Fragmentary honours
- 609. Fragments
- 612. Fragment
- 615. Honours for C. Phelyssam
- 618. Fragmentary dedication
- 620. Fragmentary dedication
- 622. Fragmentary honours
- 623. Fragment
- 632. Testamentary honours for Aquilia Blaesilla
- 634. Testamentary honours for Aurellia Sextilla
- 637. Honours for M. Clodius Clodianus
- 641. Honours for Flavia Pia
- 645. Honours for Iunia Perpetua Rerriuth
- 646. Testamentary honours for M. Licinius Flaccus Iunior
- 658. Testamentary honours for C. Aelius Crescens
- 660. Fragment
- 661. Dedication
- 665. Fragment
- 667. Sculptor's signature
- 698. Fragment
- 715. Fragment
- 730. Fragments
- 731. Fragmentary dedication
- 736. Fragment
- 754. Funerary inscriptions
- 756. Fragment
- 762. Fragment
- 770. Fragment
- 781. Fragmentary testamentary inscription
- 782. Fragmentary testamentary inscription
- 787. Panel fragments
- 788. Fragmentary building inscription
- 790a. Fragmentary donation
- 798. Quarry-mark
- 798a. Quarry-marks
- 814. Fragment
- 816. Fragment
- 833. Christian funerary inscription
- 837. Christian funerary inscription
- 841. Christian funerary inscription
- 843. Christian funerary inscription
- 834. Christian funerary inscription
- 835. Christian funerary inscription
- 839. Christian funerary inscription
- 840. Christian funerary inscription
- 844. Christian funerary inscription
- 845. Christian funerary inscription
- Fourth century wall
- Gasr Geladieh
- Gasr ed-Doueirat
- Gasr el-Gelediah
- Gasr esc-Sciaddad
- Hadrianic Baths
- 263. Votive offering of building work to Asclepius
- 286. Dedication to Hercules
- 288. Fragmentary dedication to Hercules
- 297. Fragmentary dedication to Liber Pater
- 315. Fragments from a building dedication
- 361. Dedication to Hadrian
- 374. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 396. Fragmentary building inscription under Septemius Severus
- 511. Fragmentary dedication
- 545. Honours for a proconsul
- 552. Fragmentary honours
- 555. Fragmentary honours
- 580. Fragmentarry building inscription
- 597. Fragmentary building inscription
- 599. Building inscriptions for benches
- 628. Fragmentary honours
- 629. Fragmentary honours
- 649. Posthumous honours for M. Pompeius Gaetulicus
- 717. Honours for M. Iunius Cossus
- 718. Fragment
- 724. Fragment
- 725. Fragmentary honours
- 775. Fragmentary dedication
- 786. Panel fragment
- 794. Series of quarry-marks
- 796. Fragment, perhaps a quarry-mark
- 809. Fragment
- 832. Christian invocation
- 393. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- Hill on the right bank of Wadi Lebdah
- Homs
- Hors de la ville sur une pierre presentement dans une muraille
- House in Homs
- House of the Orpheus Mosaic
- Mausolea East of the city
- 584. Funerary inscription of M. Cornelius Saturninus
- 672. Funerary inscription for L. Caecilius Barichio
- 673. Funerary inscription for Q. Cerialis Phischon
- 679. Funerary inscription for Q. Calvisius Amicus
- 680. Funerary inscription for L. Cl. Perpetuus Probatus
- 681. Funerary inscription for Claudia Saluia
- 752. Funerary inscription for Gn. Vituiasius Africanus
- Nymphaeum
- Orchestra
- Port
- Port Area
- Propylaea
- Punic Market
- 294. Dedication to Liber Pater
- 305. Dedication to Neptune Augustus
- 311. Fragment
- 319. Building dedication of the Market to Augustus
- 332. Fragmentary building dedication to Tiberius
- 394. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus
- 468. Building inscription under Constantine I and Licinius
- 490. Fragmentary building inscription
- 491. Fragment
- 498. Fragmentary dedication
- 513. Fragmentary dedication
- 568. Honours for T. Flavius Vibianus
- 579. Honours for Aemilia Lychnis Clementilla
- 590. Building inscriptions for benches
- 600. Honours for C. Marcius Dento
- 603. Honours for Porfyrius
- 608. Fragmentary honours
- 630. Honours for M. Aemilius Rufinus
- Ras Si Jùsef
- Ras el-Hammam
- Ras el-Mergheb
- Regio II
- Regio III
- Regio IV
- Regio V
- Road from the Circus to the Port
- Road near Lepcis
- Sahel di Homs
- Sea-shore West of the Temple of Neptune
- Severan Arch
- Severan Forum
- Severan Harbour
- Shore
- South of the Theatre
- Street from the Arch of Trajan to the Theatre
- Street from the Chalcidicum to the Hadrianic Baths
- 267. Fragmentary dedication to Attis
- 380. Dedication to Faustina
- 384. Dedication to Commodus
- 387. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 389. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 390. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 453. Dedication to Maximin the younger
- 467. Building inscription of Basilica under Constantine I
- 791. Panel fragments
- 810. Fragment
- Temple of Jupiter Dolichenus
- Temple of Magna Mater
- Temple of Neptune
- Temple of Rome and Augustus
- Theatre
- 266. Dedication to Apollo
- 269. Dedication to Ceres
- 270. Dedication to Ceres
- 273. Dedication to divine emperors
- 276. Dedication
- 277. Dedication for Hostilia Honesta
- 280. Dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 285. Fragmentary dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 287. Dedication to Hercules
- 293. Fragmentary dedication
- 296. Dedication to Liber Pater
- 320. Dedication to Augustus
- 321. Dedication to Augustus
- 322. Dedication to Augustus
- 323. Dedication to Augustus by Annobal Rufus
- 331. Building dedication to Tiberius for road paving
- 347. Dedication to Domitian
- 358. Building inscription of aqueduct under Hadrian
- 359. Building inscription of aqueduct under Hadrian
- 364. Building inscription under Hadrian
- 372. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 373. Dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 375. Fragmentary building inscription under Antoninus Pius
- 377. Fragmentary dedication to Antoninus Pius
- 382. Fragmentary dedication to Commodus
- 383. Fragment
- 385. Fragmentary dedication to Antoninus Pius or Commodus
- 391. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 392. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 395. Dedication to Septimius Severus
- 398. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus and Caracalla
- 399. Fragmentary dedication to Septimius Severus
- 403. Dedication to Julia Domna
- 405. Dedication to Julia Domna
- 406. Dedication to Julia Domna
- 407. Dedication to Julia Domna
- 413. Dedication to L. Septimius Severus
- 414. Dedication to P. Septimius Geta
- 415. Dedication to Fulvia Pia
- 416. Dedication to Fulvia Pia
- 417. Dedication to Septimia Octavilla
- 420. Dedication to Caracalla
- 421. Dedication to Caracalla
- 422. Dedication to Caracalla
- 424. Dedication to Caracalla
- 434. Dedication to Geta
- 436. Dedication to Geta
- 445. Fragmentary dedication to Severan family
- 447. Fragmentary dedication to ?Severan emperor
- 448. Fragmentary dedication to Severus Alexander
- 451. Fragmentary dedication, ?to Julia Mamaea
- 459. Fragmentary dedication, perhaps to Salonina
- 470. Fragmentary building inscription under Constantius II and Constans
- 493. Fragmentary dedication
- 495. Fragment
- 503. Fragment
- 508. Fragmentary dedication by the Lepcitani
- 509. Fragment
- 510. Fragmentary dedication
- 512. Fragment
- 533. Building dedication for a fountain
- 535. Fragment
- 541. Honours for P. Septimius Geta
- 543. Honours for L. Volusius Bassus Cerealis
- 547. Fragments
- 549. Fragment
- 554. Fragment
- 557. Fragmentary honours
- 581. Fragmentary honours
- 592. Fragmentary honours for Cornelius Amicus
- 594. Fragmentary honours
- 604. Fragmentary honours
- 613. Fragment
- 614. Fragment
- 615a. Fragments
- 617. Fragment
- 619. Fragmentary dedication
- 631. Honours for M. Antistius Arrianus
- 638. Testamentary honours for Cornelius Philocalus
- 643. Honours for C. Hostilius Barea
- 647. Honours for Q. Marcius Pudens
- 650. Honours for Vitulasia Procula
- 653. Fragment
- 697. Fragment
- 701. Fragmentary dedication
- 702. Fragments
- 703. Fragments
- 704. Fragment
- 726. Fragment
- 760. Fragment
- 761. Funerary fragment
- 765a. Gameboard text
- 768. Apotropaic acclamation
- 778. Panel fragments
- 779. Fragmentary dedication
- 784. Fragments from a testamentary inscription.
- 785. Fragment from the Theatre.
- 791a. Panel fragment
- 824. Fragment
- 830. Christian invocation
- 831. Fragmentary Christian text
- 318. Fragmentary dedication of an altar
- 521. Building inscription of L. Caninius Gallus
- 606. Honours for a pantomime dancer
- Tomb near the ruins of Lepcis
- Villa del Nilo
- Village of El Hûsch
- Wadi Er-saf
- Wadi Lebdah
- 633. Honours for L. Avillius Marsus
- 668. Funerary inscription of Atilia Marith
- 677. Funerary inscription by C. Calpurnius Trachalus Dosides
- 683. Funerary inscription for Cl. Victor Probatus
- 689. Funerary inscription for M. Clutorius Baliahon
- 716. Fragment
- 747. Dedication by Tetia Prima for her family.
- 751. Fragmentary funerary inscription for Victorina
- 757. Fragment
- 771. Fragment
- 819. Fragment
- 825. Fragment
- 727. Funerary inscription for Marcia Eutychia
- West of the city
- Unspecified
- 272. Votive fragment
- 282. Dedication to the Genius of Lepcis
- 301. Dedication to Mars Augustus
- 310. Fragmentary dedication to Sarapis
- 310a. Dedication to Sarapis
- 312. Dedication to the Gods dwelling with Sarapis
- 313. Dedication to the Gods dwelling with Sarapis
- 349. Fragmentary dedication to Domitian
- 352. Fragmentary building dedication to Trajan
- 360. Fragmentary building inscription under Hadrian
- 411. Posthumous dedication to Paccia Marciana
- 461. Dedication to Carus
- 463. Dedication to Severus
- 469a. Dedication to Constans
- 476. Dedication to Valentinian II
- 486. Fragmentary dedication
- 496. Fragment
- 497. Fragmentary dedication
- 501. Fragment
- 504. Fragmentary building inscription
- 505. Fragment
- 534. Building inscription for the proscaenium of the Theatre
- 536. Honours for L. Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus
- 550. Fragment
- 556. Fragmentaryhonours
- 573. Fragments
- 583. Fragmentary honours
- 595. Honours for T. Flauius Vibianus Iunior
- 616. Fragments
- 621. Fragment
- 627. Fragmentary honours
- 656. Honours for Narcissus
- 664. Fragment
- 669. Funerary inscription
- 671. Fragment
- 678. Fragment
- 686. Fragment
- 688. Funerary inscription for C. Cosconius Marsus
- 693. Funerary inscription for Domitia Rogata
- 708. Fragment
- 709. Fragments
- 721. Fragmentary building inscription for a funerary monument
- 722. Fragment
- 734. Fragment
- 735. Funerary inscription
- 740. Fragmentary funerary inscription
- 742. Funerary inscription for Severus
- 743. Funerary inscription for Faustinus Cunnus
- 744. Fragment
- 769. Fragment
- 772. Fragment
- 774. Fragment
- 776. Fragmentary dedication
- 777. Panel fragment
- 789. Panel fragment
- 790. Fragmentary donation
- 792. Fragment
- 795. Fragment
- 797. Fragment, perhaps a quarry-mark
- 811. Fragment
- 820. Fragment
- 821. Fragment
- 822. Fragment
- 823. Fragment
- 827. Libyan title for a bust
- 828. Fragmentary Libyan text
- 847. Fragmentary christian inscription
- 975. Milestone. Domitian.
- 981. Funerary text