396. Fragmentary ?building inscription under Septemius Severus
- Description:
- Part of a marble panel, recomposed from fragents w: 3.80 x h: 0.95, left part missing).
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face.
- Letters:
- Lettering: ll. 1-2, Rustic capitals, 0.05-0.06. The existing ll. 1-2 have been re-inscribed in the space from which a previous text, in honour of Commodus (see l. 5), has been erased. ll. 3-8: Second century A.D. capitals, 0.07-0.085.
- Date:
- A.D. 198-210. (titulature)
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Hadrianic Baths, in the Frigidarium and three fragments in Lepcis Museum.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- R. Bartoccini, Le Terme di Lepcis (Afrika Italiana: Monografie a cura del Ministero delle Colonie, IV), Bergamo, 1929, 79ff., pl. VIII b. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
[Caes(aris) M(arci) Aurelli Antonini ·· ? ·· et I]uliae [Augu]ṣtae [matris Augusti et cas]tror[um totiusque] diuinae domus
[·· ? ··] Rusoṇianus fl[am(en)] augur IIuir q(uin)q(uennalis) cellam f[rigi]darii et [··]ry (sic)
[·· ? ··] ṛui[na con]labsas [e]x pollicitatione m[un]eris gladiato[ri] o]ḅ honorem
5 [quinquennalita]ṭis p[·· 6-7··] permissu sacratiss[imi pr]incipis diui M(arci) Antonin[i f(ili)] a fundamentis
[·· ? ··] marmoribus et co[l]umnis exornauit stat[u]am Aesculapii nouam
[·· ? ·· res]tituit ceter[as] refe[c]it ex [multi]s aliis [m]une[ribu]s rei p(ublicae) suae conlatis et
[·· ? ··]uli nomine ụị[ - - - ]itị[·· ? ··]
(Fragment of uncertain position )
[······· ? ·······]VLIAE[·····]·TAE[···········]TROR[·············]DIVINAEDOMVS
[·· ? ··]VLINOMINE··[ - - - ]IT·[·· ? ··]
(Fragment of uncertain position )
a.[·· ? ··of Emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius] Severus [Pius Pertinax Augustus, victor in Arabia], victor in Adiabene, greatest victor in Parthia, chief [priest], holding [tribunician] power for (at least) ten times, acclaimed victor [·· ? ·· times, consul] [·· ? ·· times father] of the country, and of Emperor [Caesar Marcus Aurellius Antoninus] and of Julia Augusta [mother of Augustus and] of the camps [and of the whole] divine household, [·· ? ··] Rusonianus, flamen (priest), augur (priest) quinquennial duovir [gave] the main chamber of the cold bath and [·· ? ··] which had collapsed in ruins, instead of the gladiatorial show promised on account of the office of the quinquennial duumvirate [·· ? ··] with the permission of the most sacred emperor, son of deified Marcus Antoninus, from the foundations [·· ? ··]; he adorned it with marbles and columns, [gave] a new statue of Aesculapius, restored [·· ? ··] others new among many other generous gifts made to his city and [·· ? ··] in the name [·· ? ··].
b. (Not usefully translatable)
a) l. 1. trib. pot. X?. After 202; but VI or VII possible - 198 (after the assumption of the title Parthicus) - 9 Dec. 199.
a) l. 5. M. Antoninus filius. This is Commodus.
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