569. Fragmentary honours for Flavius Victor Calpurnius
- Description:
- Lower part of a moulded base (w: 0.65 x h: 1.30 x d: 0.50, height incomplete) of white marble, badly mutilated.
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face within a recessed panel (die, w: 0.47 x h: 0.74).
- Letters:
- Fourth century A.D. capitals: 0.02-0.03.
- Date:
- 340-350 A.D. (prosopography).
- Findspot:
- Lepcis Magna: Forum Vetus, near the Severan exedra.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum VIII:22672; H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae 9408. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
[·· ? ··] honestiss[im - - - ]
[·· ? ·· c]ognoscendi [ - - - ]
[·· ? ··] perpenso qu[·· ? ··]
5[·· ? ··]meato [··] ob
[·· ? ··] qui [r]em publ(icam) exqu[isi]-
[tis edit]ionum g[ene]ribus feceri[t] am]-
pliorem instauratori moenium publ[i]-
corum quod eius innumera circa se
10ac suos officia supra genitalis ciuis
affectum Lepcis Magna incḷịta fide
deuotione praestans multifariam sense-
rit meṛịṭọ[ru]m eius tenacissime memor [per]
ordini(s) sui [et popul[i u]iros Fl(auio) Victori Calpurni[o u(iro)p(erfectissimo)]
15praesidi prou(inciae) Tripol(itanae) patrono suo statuam de-
creuit et ob indiuiduum mutui amoris affec-
tum eamdem se propter constituit ac dedica-
[·· ? ··]HONESTISS[··· - - - ]
[·· ? ····]OGNOSCENDI[ - - - ]
[·· ? ··]PERPENSOQV[·· ? ··]
5[·· ? ··]MEATO[··]OB
[·· ? ··]QVI[··]EMPVBLEXQV[····]
[·· ? ··] (l.2) most honorable [·· ? ··] of getting to know [·· ? ··] ? with (something now lost) carefully considered [·· ? ··] who added grandeur to the city by remarkable types of public show, becuase of his innumerable public services on behalf of themselves and theirs, going beyond the affection of a native citizen, Lepcis Magna, outstanding in its good faith and devotion, in most enduring remembrance of his deserts, through the members of its city council and the people, decreed a statue to Flavius Victor Calpurnius, excellent man (of equestrian status), governor of the province of Tripolitania, its patron, and, on account of the indivisible affection of the feeling they all share, set it up and dedicated it.
l. 14. Fl. Victor Calpurnius: also in 55, l. 5, dated between 340 and 350; and perhaps 100, l. 4.
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