117. Honours for C. Flavius Pudens
- Description:
- Marble panel (w: 3.16 x h: 0.70). There are indications of a similar panel adjoining at the extreme left margin.
- Text:
- Inscribed within a narrow moulded border.
- Letters:
- Second to third centuries A.D. capitals: l. 1 (lapidary), 0.065; remainder (lapidary with some mannered forms), 0.045-0.05. Traces of red paint.
- Date:
- Second to third centuries A.D. (lettering)
- Findspot:
- Sabratha: Capitolium, found in the vaults, see 1, note 1.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Bartoccini, Rivista della Tripolitania (Rivista a cura dell'Ufficio di Colonizzazione del Governo della Tripolitania), 2 vols., Roma, 1924-5; a third vol., under the title Libya, published for the Ministero delle Colonie, was issued in 1927 I:292 ff.; L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.) 1925:103. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
multas liberalitates per quas patriam suam exornauit aquam priuata pecunia induxit item lacus n(umero) XII exstru-
xit eosdemque crustis et statuis marmoreis excoluit praeterea (sestertios) CC mil(ia) num(mum) ad tutelam eiusdem
aquae rei publ(icae) promisit et intulit quod ipse quoque Pudens super numerosam munificentiam quam in
5ciues suos contulit etiam muneris gladiatori spectaculum primus in patria sua per dies quinq(ue)
splendidissimum ediderit ordo Sabrathensium populo postulante quadrigam ei de publico ponend(am) censuit
Fl(auius) Pudens honore contentus sua pecunia posuit
To Caius Flavius Pudens, son of Quintus, of the Roman voting tribe Papiria, flamen (priest) of Liber Pater, duovir, perpetual flamen (priest), whose father, Flavius Tullus, in addition to the many liberal gifts by which he adorned his country, brought in a water supply at his own expense, also constructed twelve pools and ornamented them with stucco (or mosaic) and marble statues, moreover promised the republic 200,000 sesterces for the upkeep of this same aqueduct and paid them; moreover, because Pudens himself, in addition to the numerous munificent gifts which he made to his fellow-citizens, was also the first in his country to give an outstanding gladiatorial show lasting for five days. The city council of the Sabrathans, on popular demand, decided that a quadriga should be erected (to him) at public expense. Flavius Pudens, satisfied with the honour, set it up at his own expense.
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