22. Dedication of statues to Marcus Aurelius
- Description:
- Marble block (w: 1.18 x h: 0.64 x d: 0.36)
- Text:
- Inscribed on one face.
- Letters:
- Second century capitals: line 1, 0.06: remainder, 0.045.
- Date:
- A.D. 170 (titulature)
- Findspot:
- Sabratha: Forum, in front of the Capitolium.
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Bartoccini, Rivista della Tripolitania (Rivista a cura dell'Ufficio di Colonizzazione del Governo della Tripolitania), 2 vols., Roma, 1924-5; a third vol., under the title Libya, published for the Ministero delle Colonie, was issued in 1927 I:287; L'Année Epigraphique (Revue des Publications épigraphiques relatives à l'Antiquité romaine: annual supplement to Rev. Arch.) 1925:102. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
Veri Parthici max(imi) fratri diui Hadr(iani) nep(oti)
diui Traiani Parthici pronep(oti) diui Neruae
abnepoti M(arco) Aurelio Antonino Aug(usto) pont(ifici)
5 max(imo) trib(unicia) potest(ate) XXIIII imp(eratori) V co(n)s(uli) III p(atri) p(atriae)
statuas duas quas Anicia Pudentilla codicillis
ex (sestertiis) XXX n(ummum) poni iussit Manlia Macrina
mater et heres adiectis ex (sestertiis) VIII n(ummum) fecit
C(aio) Manilio Maniliano genero curante
7, 30,000 sesterces.
8, 8,000 sesterces.
To Emperor Caesar, son of deified Antoninus, brother of deified Verus, the greatest victor in Parthia , grandson of deified Hadrian, great-grandson of deified Trajan the victor in Parthia, great-great-grandson of deified Nerva, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, chief priest, holding tribunician power for the 24th time, acclaimed victor five times, consul three times, father of the country; the two statues whose erection Anicia Pudentilla ordered in her will at the expenditure of 30,000 sesterces, Manlia Macrina, her mother and heiress, had made at the additional cost of eight thousand sesterces, with Caius Manilius Manilianus, her son-in-law, in charge (of the work)
ll. 5-6. trib. pot. XXIIII: 10 Dec. 169 - 9 Dec.170.
l. 7. Manlia Macrina. Also in 91, ll. 1-3.
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