21. Dedication to Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus
- Description:
- Three marble architrave blocks (h: 0.66 high) from the monumental inscription of the entablature of the Antonine Temple. Two of the blocks, from the angles of the building, are substantially complete. The third is fragmentary.
- Text:
- Inscribed on the face.
- Letters:
- Lapidary capitals line 1, 0.13; line 2, 0.105; lines 3-4, 0.095.
- Date:
- A.D. 166-169 (titulature)
- Findspot:
- Sabratha: Antonine Temple
- Original Location:
- Unknown
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot
- Bibliography:
- Not previously published. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds, Ward-Perkins)
Imp(eratori) Caesari Ḷ(ucio) [Aurelio Vero Aug(usto) Armeniaco Parthico maximo Medico pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate [ - - - ] imp(eratori) [ - - - ] co(n)s(uli) [ - - - ] diui Pii filiis diui Hadriani] nepotib(us)
diui Traiani Pạ[rthici pronepotibus diui Neruae abnepotibus ·· ? ··]
M(anius) Acilius Glab[rio ·· ? ··]
1, Augusto Armeniaco Parthico maximo Medico: The length of the line which can be calculated from the position of the blocks, necessitates the inclusion of these titles.
2, Augusto Armeniaco Parthico maximo Medico: The length of the line which can be calculated from the position of the blocks, necessitates the inclusion of these titles.
To Emperor Caesar [Marcus] Aurelius [Antoninus Augustus, victor in Armenia, greatest victor in Parthia, victor in Media, high priest, holding Tribunician power for the . . . time, acclaimed victor . . . times, consul for the . . . time, and] to Emperor Caesar Lucius [Aurelius Verus Augustus, victor in Armenia, greatest victor in Parthia, victor in Media, holding tribunician power for the . . . time, accaimed victor . . . times, consul for the . . . time, sons of deified Pius,] grandsons [of deified Hadrian, great grandsons] of deified Trajan, victor in Parthia, [great great grandsons of deified Nerva . . .] ; Manius Acilius Glab[rio . . .]
l. 4. Manius Acilius Glabrio was Cos. ord. 152 = PIR A 73. Presumably procos. Africae, though nowhere so attested.
The inscription belongs between the middle of 166 and the death of L. Verus in 169.
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