Block of pinkish brown limestone (w: 0.92 x h: 0.45, depth unknown). 
Inscribed within a tabella ansata; in the left ansa a branch. 
av. c. 0.07. 
No indication  
Middle Lower Sofeggin Basin : Seen and photographed by Goodchild in 1948 in situ over the South doorway of Gasr el-Ureia, the best preserved of a group of 3 gsur, close to the head of the Wadi el-Ureia, an upper tributary of the Wadi el-Màader, 2.5 km. East of the Tarhuna - Beni Ulid road at Uestata (map ref. Q 9483).  
Original Location:
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1948) 
Goodchild, Antiquaries Journal, XXX:139 ff. and pi. XVII b. This edition taken from J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome: British School at Rome, 1952.  
Text constituted from:
Previous publications, transcription (Goodchild) 

(Not transcribed, see image.)

(Not transcribed, see image.)

Not transcribed, see image.


Not usefully translatable.


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Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
 Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
 Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
 Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
 Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
 Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Sketch after a photograph by Goodchild (from IRT p. 219)
 Sketch after a photograph by Goodchild (from IRT p. 219)

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